
Esri Announces ArcGIS Online Hosting of ClearTerra Enhanced Documents

Redlands, California—Esri announces that its partner ClearTerra, of Hanover, Maryland, has updated its LocateXT software for use with ArcGIS Online. LocateXT transforms static documents and files with geocoordinates into shareable spatial data layers that can now be hosted in Esri’s cloud-based ArcGIS Online.

"The ability of LocateXT software to scan military communiqués such as e‑mails, messages, briefings, and reports; extract geographic coordinates from them; and then post the data contained in the communiqués to ArcGIS Online is a powerful tool for the armed forces," said Jeff Peters, Esri’s director of national government. "It facilitates everything from ISR [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] operations to field maneuvers."

The LocateXT/ArcGIS Online workflow provides nearly instantaneous data sharing, collaboration, and dissemination within a unit or organization. Because the spatial layers are hosted in ArcGIS Online, any user with a web browser and the appropriate permission can view a web map incorporating the newly created spatial data. For users needing to perform geospatial analysis and processing, the spatial data can be directly accessed by the powerful ArcGIS for Desktop software. ArcGIS Online technology is also available on-premises as Portal for ArcGIS.

"This capability not only addresses the time-consuming manual process of finding and plotting geocoordinates, but brings it into the social networking era by immediately sharing with others. All [users] need is an organizational ArcGIS Online subscription and LocateXT software," said Jeff Wilson, vice president of Sales for ClearTerra.

"We even have a workflow where e‑mail or web pages can be dragged and dropped into LocateXT and pushed straight to the GIS cloud," said Wilson. "This is a huge capability for fast-moving situations or mining open-source data."

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