
Esri Announces Online Data Portal for Africa

One-Stop Shop Provides Location Data and Smart Mapping for a Sustainable, Progressive Africa

Redlands, California—Esri, the global leader in spatial analytics, today announced that it has launched the Africa GeoPortal, a comprehensive cloud-based platform that provides rich content and solutions from Esri and its partners. The geoportal provides access to Esri’s popular ArcGIS Online service as well as geographic data and imagery for Africa. The African Union, African Development Bank, other international agencies, nongovernmental organizations (NGO), academia, businesses, and national government funds will be able to use the geoportal to address the most urgent development challenges—from economic development and climate adaptation to conservation and health care.“Access to this Africa GeoPortal power by the ArcGIS platform will provide my colleagues at the iLab, and others in the network of African Technology Hubs (AfriLabs) with the information and analytical capabilities that we need to make the most effective development interventions for our citizens and communities,” said Luther Jeke, Manager of iCampus at iLab Liberia.

This complimentary software-as-a-service technology is offered to all who are supporting African nations for positive economic, social, and environmental outcomes—African citizens, NGOs, and international development agencies alike. The geoportal offers access to industry-leading spatial analytics capabilities and authoritative content for charting compelling, educational, informational, entertaining, and beautiful maps of Africa.

“We are deeply committed to helping the people of Africa discover, explore, and understand the vast information available to them through the power of maps,” said Jack Dangermond, Esri founder and president. “Through this service, we hope to provide our users with the benefit of ongoing developments and investments at Esri so they can foster missions to the best of their abilities.”

To learn more about the Africa GeoPortal and Esri’s commitment to supporting the global community in the quest for sustainability through better mapping and location intelligence, visit

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Press Information:
Karen Richardson, Esri
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