
Esri European Wind User Group Finds New Uses for GIS

Redlands, California—European wind energy professionals gathered in Dublin, Ireland, recently to discuss innovative ways to meet renewable-energy demands using the Esri ArcGIS platform. Members of the Esri European Wind User Group shared how they apply ArcGIS maps, apps, and tools to offshore and onshore wind-farm development, planning, engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance.

"GIS technology is improving the way we view and manage our planet’s resources," said Craig Weber, GIS manager at Mainstream Renewable Power in Toronto, Canada, who is serving as the group’s 2013–2014 president. "What’s common amongst this group of users is [that] we rely on the ArcGIS platform to support the way we produce and deliver energy from wind—a renewable resource with great potential to meet our energy demands."

Highlights of the meeting included the following:

To get connected and join the wind energy community, operators and developers are encouraged to join the group on LinkedIn.

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