AmazonGISNET, Resl and Ankuash use Esri story maps to visually communicate essential characteristics of the life plans of 11 tribes with half a million people living in the Amazonian lowlands of eastern Ecuador.
Redlands, California—Indigenous Amazon tribes are creating intelligent maps that explain to policy makers the importance of maintaining Ecuador’s rainforest. Esri, the leader in geographic technology, conferred the Making a Difference award on AmazonGISNET for its efforts in this compelling project.
Jack Dangermond, Esri president, presented the Making a Difference award to AmazonGISNET project leaders Domingo Ankuash and Richard Resl during the plenary of Esri User Conference. The Making a Difference award signifies an outstanding accomplishment by an organization that uses GIS to drive meaningful change in the world.
Working with AmazonGISNET, Resl and Ankuash use Esri story maps to visually communicate essential characteristics of the life plans of 11 tribes with half a million people living in the Amazonian lowlands of eastern Ecuador. The image-rich map inspired tribes to participate in a larger undertaking to create an atlas for the region. The ongoing project preserves tribal heritage and has become a basic instrument for a forest-sustainable life plan for indigenous communities.