
Esri Releases GIS and the 2020 Census

New Book Examines How Geospatial Technology Supports Critical Census Tasks 

REDLANDS, Calif.—July 1, 2019—Esri, the global leader in location intelligence, today announced the publication of GIS and the 2020 Census: Modernizing Official Statistics.

In preparation for the 2020 round of censuses comes a book providing statistical organizations with the most recent methodologies and technological tools to support all stages of the census. GIS and the 2020 Census supports the transformation of countries’ censuses with the use of geographic information system (GIS) software and related geospatial technologies to improve data collection, analysis, and dissemination and to enable agencies to build accurate, authoritative, actionable data.

Mapping is generally recognized as one of the most crucial activities of a census. As Timothy Trainor, former chief geospatial scientist for the US Census Bureau, reminds readers in the foreword of this book, “A census provides the data that allows us to begin the determination of a cause-and-effect relationship to important questions posed by why.” By this, Trainor is referring to the why of where.

GIS and the 2020 Census covers planning, enumeration and field data collection, and post-enumeration tasks: converting existing data, field operations, data processing and dissemination, developing geographic products, and much more. Case studies from Albania, Portugal, Republic of the Philippines, Jordan, Arab Republic of Egypt, Ireland, and Canada demonstrate the successful application of the tools.

Ancillary materials are available online and include the updated census data model Global Statistical Geospatial Framework, the United Nations (UN) Handbook on the Management of Population and Housing Censuses, and much more.

GIS and the 2020 Census is available in soft-cover (ISBN: 9781589485044, 264 pages, US$49.99) and as an e-book (ISBN: 9781589485051, US$49.99). All editions can be obtained from most online retailers worldwide. The print edition is also available by calling 1-800-447-9778. If outside the United States, visit for complete ordering options, or visit to contact your local Esri distributor. Interested retailers can contact Esri Press book distributor Ingram Publisher Services.

About Esri

Esri, the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping, offers the most powerful geospatial cloud available, to help customers unlock the full potential of data to improve operational and business results. Founded in 1969, Esri software is deployed in more than 350,000 organizations including 90 of the Fortune 100 companies, all 50 state governments, more than half of all counties (large and small), and 87 of the Forbes Top 100 Colleges in the U.S., as well as all 15 Executive Departments of the U.S. Government and dozens of independent agencies. With its pioneering commitment to geospatial information technology, Esri engineers the most advanced solutions for digital transformation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics. Visit us at

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