
Esri Wins TM Forum Live! Award for Internet of Things Project

Redlands, California—Esri, the leader in geospatial technology, was recognized this week at TM Forum Live! 2016 in Nice, France, for the company’s outstanding demonstration of a safer, simpler, and more eco-friendly life by using location data. Esri and project partners Orange, BaseN, and BearingPoint/Infonova and NTS Retail were awarded the Greatest Adoption of TM Forum Assets Award. The demonstration was considered the most effective implementation of a TM Forum best practice displaying value and encouraging adoption in the telecommunication industry.

The companies demonstrated how location-based automation can control Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices, such as lights, alarm systems, and thermostats, based on a person’s location. This new service is one that the telecoms could offer as a value add to customers to improve safety, reduce energy consumption, and save money without having to manually activate or manage multiple individual applications. The system uses location data to understand where the customer is and what devices should be activated based on spatial analysis. Customers can also access a simple dashboard to see their carbon footprint. It’s a convenient way to manage the system and see impact easily.

"As the number of connected devices will exceed 20 billion by 2020, leveraging their capabilities to provide personalized services will hinge on the ability to automate device response," said Randy Frantz, director, global telecommunication industry, Esri. "Using location information to understand where the customer is and what devices should be activated based on spatial analysis helps to provide service that does not require manual programming and won’t overwhelm them."

TM Forum Live! announces the Catalyst Awards biannually. Winning teams leverage proven technologies, competencies, and investments. For more information on how location data can benefit telecommunication companies, visit

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