
GIS Day to Celebrate Saving, Sustaining Technology

Redlands, California—On Wednesday, November 19, students, educators, and GIS professionals around the world will demonstrate the power of geospatial technology by celebrating GIS Day. Thousands of community events will bring a behind-the-scenes technology to the forefront to show how geospatial intelligence sustains the planet.

“We started GIS Day to inform the world about how geography connects the communities and the planet,” says Esri president and cofounder Jack Dangermond. “Many of the biggest challenges we face today can be met by applying geospatial technology to them.”

Now in its fifteenth year, the grassroots celebration provides a forum for governments, academia, and the private sector to show real-world applications of how GIS makes organizations leaner and more powerful. GIS Day activities include hands-on training workshops, exhibitions, open houses, and career expos.

The purpose of GIS Day is to promote resilience in a world constantly undergoing economic and environmental change. Dangermond credits Ralph Nader with creating the vision and inspiration for GIS Day as a way to show people how geospatial intelligence improves their quality of life.

To see a list of GIS Day events taking place across the globe, visit

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