
Irish Water Honored with Enterprise GIS Award at 2015 Esri User Conference

Redlands, California—Esri has awarded Irish Water a special Enterprise Award for its achievements in GIS. The honor was given at the 2015 Esri User Conference, held July 20–24 at the San Diego Convention Center.


Irish Water is the new national water utility responsible for providing and developing water services throughout Ireland. Incorporated in July 2013, as a semi-state company under the Water Services Act 2013, Irish Water will bring the water and wastewater services of its 31 Local Authorities together under one national service provider. To do so, the utility consolidated its operations onto a single GIS platform, Esri’s ArcGIS. The consolidation took 12 months. In the first month and a half, Irish Water was able to meter more than 1.3 million homes.


“We have all water assets for the whole country in a single geodatabase,” Irish Water programme manager Paul Ahern said. “To trade and analyze information off this single source is a huge benefit.”


More than 2,000 users currently access the national geodatabase across departments in asset management, operations, workflows, capital investments, strategic planning, and customer services.


This means Irish Water will be better able to deliver water services, including increasing access to potable water.


The purpose of Irish Water is to safeguard water as a precious natural resource and to deliver water services in a way that protects the environment and meets the needs of all citizens and industry now and in the future.


Learn more about Irish Water at


Learn more about GIS for Water Utilities at

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