
PennDOT Integrates ArcGIS for Modernized Field Data Collection

Redlands, California—Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently completed a project to manage its road asset and bridge inventory data with Esri technology. The successful implementation received special acknowledgment from Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett last August.

With its vast network of aging bridges and roads in need of maintenance, Pennsylvania needed to overhaul its inventory system to monitor the health of its network assets and prioritize repairs. Using the ArcGIS platform, PennDOT created a mapping system that collects data points from Pennsylvania’s locally owned roads and bridges to create a comprehensive inventory of roads and bridges in the commonwealth. The system’s success ensures the release of funds to municipalities for maintenance of their road and bridge networks.

ArcGIS enables PennDOT to view all its linear referencing system data for analysis in the office and out in the field. PennDOT field staff can now collect road and bridge information on mobile devices and synchronize it in a centralized system. Department staff now has the capability to review the information in a web browser to ensure collection is in accordance with PennDOT’s current data format and, in turn, view the symbolized data in a web map.

PennDOT’s GIS project earned third-place recognition during the state’s annual Innovation of the Year awards. The awards are presented by Governor Corbett to acknowledge technological strides in civics and governance.

For more information on the awards, visit the Governor’s Innovation Office.

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