Disaster Response

  • Disaster Response

    Tornado Season

    A devastating storm struck Douglas County in April 2024. Learn how GIS helped the county respond to and recover from the disaster.

  • Disaster Response

    In the Wake of a Landslide

    After a deadly landslide, the Alaska Department of Transportation used GIS and drone mapping to evaluate the damage and kickstart recovery.

  • Disaster Response

    Evacuation Evolved

    Explore how Esri helps organizations approach challenges in wildland fire response, including communication and evacuation.

  • ArcGIS Pro

    Prepping for the Big One

    What happens when a huge earthquake hits California? Joseph Toland of the USGS breaks down his GIS-based response model to prepare for disaster.

  • ArcGIS Field Maps

    Homing in with GIS

    An emergency search and rescue team in Lee County, Alabama used ArcGIS location sharing software to locate a missing girl unharmed.

  • Disaster Response

    Facing Down Fires

    Jim Aranguren, Butte County, California, GIS manager, details the biggest challenges his small GIS department confronted during the Camp Fire.

  • Disaster Response

    People Come First at Esri

    What type of projects do the people at Esri work on and why are they so passionate about what they do?

  • Disaster Response

    On Call in a Crisis

    The Esri Disaster Response Program (DRP) offers technical support, data, and GIS solutions to organizations responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Apps for the Field

    GIS Aids Fire Agencies

    What GIS apps do fire agencies need to plan for and respond to incidents and then analyze performance?

  • Disaster Response

    You Have the Answers with GIS

    Whether you need to find where the fewest Americans have health coverage or where a typhoon is heading, you can use GIS to get answers.

  • Disaster Response

    Fighting Fire with Maps

    The Ventura County Fire Department in California used GIS to create maps of the Thomas Fire, providing valuable situational awareness.