
2013 Esri Partner Conference and DevSummit Photo Journal: Day Two

The Esri Partner Conference is cruising into day two as the Esri DevSummit kicks off its first day in Palm Springs. You can follow along on Twitter with the #EsriEPC and #DevSummit tags or check out our Flickr photos throughout the week. Here’s a brief recap of the action from day two (March 25):
The ArcGIS 10.2 buzz has everyone all smiles as we head into day two.

And the envelope please…CEDRA receives the 20-year partner award.  Esri is honored to have partners like you.

The Esri partner breakfast is the perfect moment for the GIS community to come together and celebrate your truly amazing work. Plus, there’s pancakes!

The return of the Amazing Mapman and other geogear sparked a shopping frenzy at the spatial outlet.

And yes, introducing the Magnificent Mapgirl!

Apps were hacked and minds were blown during the DevSummit’s epic hackathon.

Geogeeks arrived from near and far to break the new location code. The next wave of geogeek boy bands lands in the desert.

Discovering the latest ArcGIS tricks. A demo a day keeps the geodoc away.

No way? Yes way! You can build apps all day with the new

A break in the session action is the perfect time to get down to business.

You can’t live on code alone…

Stay tuned for more photo journals throughout the week.

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