
Now That the Snow Has Thawed, How'd You Do?

The Year in Review for Winter Maintenance Professionals 
We all know it has been a tough year, with record snow.
Esri promoted this as the year GIS meets snow and ice removal, in part due to the hard work that transportation and public works professionals deal with on an annual basis. But now that the snow has begun to thaw, it is time to reflect on where and how we could have improved and, more importantly, if a location strategy could have played a more impactful role in supporting the work you do.

Let’s review the following:

Esri worked diligently to identify the solutions that could deliver smarter, more effective ways to help you meet all of these demands. The public works and transportation professionals that applied GIS to the questions posed above have experienced a clear return on investment. For example, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said, “By using GIS tools for Truck Snow Routing, PennDOT identified the potential of savings from $1.5 million to $2.5 million.”

With the Snow Common Operational Picture (SnowCOP), you can manage all your activities in real time, resulting in better placement and monitoring of personnel, materials, and efforts.
Have you recognized GIS as an integral part of your snow and ice plan?
If you’re looking to increase productivity, communication, and cost savings next year, take a look at our prepackaged snow solutions. And make sure to do it before May 1, because that’s when the special pricing expires!
Make sure you’re ready for next year. We’re ready to support you.
Visit to learn more.

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