The ocean makes up a huge part of our planet. Yet “there is still so much we don’t know about the ocean,” says Prof. Dawn Wright, ocean scientist and geographer at Oregon State University (and incoming Esri chief scientist). “How can we understand and mitigate the impacts of climate change, clean up oil spills, protect species, sustain fisheries, and so forth, if we still have not fully explored and understood the ocean?”
- Podcast: Get the inside story on the new Ocean Basemap from Rafael Ponce, Esri’s Maritime Program Manager. Listen
As a company dedicated to building tools to help better understand our world, Esri recently made available a comprehensive map of the world’s oceans and coastal areas. The first basemap of its kind, the Ocean Basemap is designed to support a variety of maritime GIS applications and move us towards gaining a more complete understanding of our complex planet.
Try it yourself. How will you use the Ocean Basemap?
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