
Visualizing Data on Asian American and Pacific Islanders

The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) will be celebrated on Friday, October 7, 2016. Earlier this year, the Department of Education and the University of California, Riverside launched the Elevate: AAPI Data Challenge, inviting the public to show new ways to analyze, interpret, and present data about Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).
AAPIs are the fastest growing racial group in the USA, and the most diverse. Publicly available data sets include classification by national origin, such as Chinese, Filipino, Hmong, or Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. Quality of life may be enhanced for communities when they know about and participate in federal programs, so this challenge is one way to generate new insights.

Esri partner Blue Raster, of Arlington, VA, will demonstrate a powerful view of some data, underscoring how individuals with limited English proficiency face challenges but might find support in critical settings. Founder Stephen Ansari said, “Every vote matters, and language should not be a barrier to participation. Our ArcGIS Online Story Map shares how a little known provision of the Voting Rights Act invites participation and enfranchises minority-language speaking communities, and you may be surprised which community is growing the fastest.”
As a former teacher (mostly 8th grade geography), I was curious what I could discover with basic tools in about five minutes. I went into my ArcGIS Online Organization account, found diversity data in the Living Atlas, explored it, and changed the analysis and presentation. (A 5:30 video is viewable here or downloadable here.) Any US K-12 school can request a free ArcGIS Online Organization account with which to do this or countless other analyses, as part of Esri’s participation in the White House’s ConnectED Initiative.

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