
Designing for Business and Society through Data, Technology, and Story

Erik Steiner, senior researcher at the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis at Stanford University, discusses the power of geospatial thinking in designing solutions to global challenges related to climate change, public health, and community development. Hear Esri Director of Conservation Solutions David Gadsden lead this conversation about our changing relationship to geography and place in an age of climate change and pandemic.

To learn more about how location intelligence, mapping, and geospatial thinking can help leaders in business and government address important problems, visit www.esri.com

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Esri & The Science of Where Podcast

We talk to business and technology leaders who share analysis, insights, and stories on data science, the Internet of Things, Smart Communities and other forces driving digital transformation and leveraging the power of location intelligence.

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How a Geographic Approach Unlocks the Value of Data

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