Aileen Buckley

Dr. Aileen Buckley is a cartographer who’s been at Esri since 2003. She finds and shares best practices for mapping and analysis with ArcGIS, which leads her to publish widely and present world-wide.

Posts by this author
What I wish I had known about Model Builder before I started using it

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead We've been compiling a list of tips for various "What I wish I had known about ..." topics. Her...

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Symbolizing trees

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead We recently got this in an email from an Esri colleague: "I went to TOSCA's (The Oxford Semina...

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How to Save Label Classes in Layer Files?

You can save your labeling rules to a style by clicking the Label Styles button while viewing your label class in the label manager.

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Restricted color ramp

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead We recently got a question on Ask a Cartographer that related to the use of a restricted color ...

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Cropping a map

Question: I downloaded a map from the Internet and stored it as a .jpg file, but I only need one specific part on the map to print.

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Adding columns to text boxes

I am fortunate enough to see what many of you are doing with ArcGIS to create printed maps.

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Updated hillshade toolbox

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead I just posted a newly updated Hillshade toolbox on the ArcGIS Resources – Models, Tools &...

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Tips for legend design

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead We mentioned a few tips about legend design in our session called "The One Minute Cartographer"...

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Expressing slope

By Aileen Buckley, Mapping Center Lead The vertical change in the elevation of the land surface, when determined over a given horizontal...

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