Camille Lechot

Camille works as a Software Developer in the Urban Planning team at the Esri R&D Center in Zurich and is specialized in Machine Learning. She studied Microengineering at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) and holds a master’s degree in Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Camille has a great interest in technology, automation and sustainability.

Posts by this author
Generative AI in Urban Planning – a Prototype

Planning a city block, a neighborhood, or maybe a whole new city is a multifaceted task with no universal recipe to use. Can Generative AI help?

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Converting 3D geometry formats made simple using PyPRT

PyPRT is a Python package that allows you to easily and efficiently generate 3D content in Python. You can export your 3D model in many formats.

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Generating 3D content in Python: PyPRT, a new Python library

PyPRT enables the execution of CityEngine CGA rules within Python. It allows to easily and efficiently generate 3D geometries.

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