Caitlin Scopel

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

Posts by this author
HMS-PrePro: An Automated GIS Toolbox for Extracting Cloud-based Data, Delineating Watersheds, and Calculating Hydrological Parameters

HMS-PrePro is an ArcGIS preprocessing tool that was designed to improve GIS-based watershed modeling.

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Create Watersheds and Trace Downstream at No Charge

The Watershed and Trace Downstream are FREE to use with an ArcGIS Online for Organizations Account.

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Environment Map Updates

On December 31, 2019, 68 layers within the Environment section of the Living Atlas will be taken out of circulation.

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What’s New with USA Federal Lands in the Living Atlas

The ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World contains vector and raster layers for lands managed or owned by six agencies of the federal governme...

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What’s New with Soil Data in the Living Atlas?

All SSURGO-based Living Atlas items upgraded to the 2017 SSURGO snapshot New map image and 21 image layers with improved performance ...

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USGS State Geologic Map Compilation Added to the Living Atlas

Portions of the Bighorn Mountains in Northern Wyoming are nearly 3 billi...

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National Rivers Project – A Recreational Rivers Geospatial Map & Database

The National River Recreation Database (NRRD) is a geodatabase of water trails, Wild & Scenic Rivers, whitewater segments and respect...

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Esri Land Cover Layers Latest Updates

The following Land Cover Layers were released last week to the Living Atlas of the World: NEW LAYERS USA NLCD Land Cover 2006 USA NL...

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Esri Soils Layers Latest Updates

The following Soils Layers were released last week to the Living Atlas of the World: NEW LAYERS USA Soils Albedo USA Soils Bedrock De...

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