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3D Visualization & Analytics


Driving ArcGIS Earth 1.0 beta with the Keyboard

By Chris Andrews

ArcGIS Earth
ArcGIS Earth

Following up on my previous blog post about Mouse Navigation in ArcGIS Earth 1.0 beta, I’d like to share some information about how you can drive Earth using the Keyboard.

Like most applications, users can TAB around the interface and ENTER will activate most of the capability, though we still have a few things to iron out.  Navigating the viewport is actually pretty functional using the keyboard and the keys closely map to the ArcGIS Pro key commands.

Here are the relevant commands to keep in mind:

  • = Zooms toward where the camera is pointing
  • Zooms away from where the camera is pointing
  • j Lowers the camera toward the ground
  • u Raises the camera away from the ground
  • w/s Rotate the camera up and down
  • a/d Rotate the camera clockwise and counterclockwise
  • p Points the camera straight down at the ground
  • n Orients the view with north straight up
  • Arrow keys pan the camera and the view remains at a constant altitude
  • q Roams the view based on where the mouse is with respect to the center of the view

Here’s another brief video in which I attempt to navigate by keyboard and speak at the same time:

If you haven’t downloaded Earth yet, the beta is available here.  Let us know what else we can share to help you learn about ArcGIS Earth!

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