
ArcGIS API for JavaScript Version 3.18 released

The ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x series continues to support a breadth of ArcGIS web apps and of course many of your apps. We are actively developing on version 3.x (simultaneously with the 4.x series) in order to enable 3.x-based web apps to benefit from continued innovation that is being built into the ArcGIS platform. You can find more information on our strategy around concurrent 3.x and 4.x releases in the API overview.

Here are some of the new capabilities available with version 3.18:

Revamped vector tile layer support

This release of the JavaScript API includes some important changes to the VectorTileLayer. With this release, the implementation of the VectorTileLayer has been re-written to be more tightly integrated with the API. The VectorTileLayer still fully supports the current Mapbox Box GL and Vector Tile specifications. The enhancements with this first release of the new vector tile implementation include:

While the underlying implementation is different, existing layers published to ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS will continue to work.

Note: The internal implementation of vector tile layers in 3.x has changed. If you were using any of the undocumented APIs that were part of the previous implementation they will not work with the new version.

Feature table revamped

The FeatureTable widget had lots of updates for this release. FeatureTable and ArcGIS Online Data Tab share many common functionalities and user experience. As a developer, you can now provide the same user experience as ArcGIS online data tab experience to your end users. The following lists some of the new features, updates and enhancements made to FeatureTable:

// create new FeatureTable and set its properties var myFeatureTable = new FeatureTable({ featureLayer : myFeatureLayer, map : map, syncSelection: true, showRelatedRecords: true, showAttachments: true, // outfields  outFields: [ "TRACTCE10", "BLOCKCE10", "GEOID", "NAME", "MTFCC", "ALAND", "AnalysisArea", "Point_Count", "Join_ID"], }, 'myTableNode'); 

Increased OGC support

Esri continues to improve its commitment to open standards and interoperability with enhanced support for OGC services.

See the What’s new in Version 3.18 Guide topic for additional information about upgrades to other resources and a more detailed listing of API enhancements. For an overview on what was released with 4.1 earlier this week, check out this blog announcement.

About the authors

Working daily to elevate user happiness about reading the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript documentation. Occasionally blogging about the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, and technical presenter at the Esri Developer Summit and User's Conferences. A Product Engineer on the Esri ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript team.


20+ years of experience with web mapping. Currently lead project engineer for the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript development team at Esri.


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