Today we are excited to announce ArcGIS AppStudio Version 5.3. This release includes many new feature enhancements and foundational updates to the product suite. Let’s explore what’s new in 5.3.
- Zone Lookup – Draw a zone to perform a spatial query
- Attachment Viewer – Offline map support
- Map Viewer – Elevation profile support for polyline features
- New samples – Split View and Time Extent with Slider
- ArcGIS Runtime updated to 100.13
- Support for ArcGIS IPS (Indoor Positioning System)
- Cloud Make update for Apple App Store
Updated: Zone Lookup template
The Zone Lookup template is based on the Zone Lookup Instant App. The Zone lookup template provides a native app experience to find a zone or district for a specified location. This release introduces a new feature in Zone Lookup that allows you to draw a zone to perform a spatial query on a defined area. In addition, the template has been updated with a more powerful filtering feature. We now support pre-defined and user input filters. We enhanced the user interface by adding a new combo box for the string and domain fields, sliders for the number and double fields, and calendar control for the date fields.

Updated: Attachment Viewer template
The Attachment Viewer template provides a simple user experience to review media attachments, attribute information, and feature layer locations in a native app. One of the most requested features is offline support. We are excited to announce that you can now download an offline map area (configured in the web map) including the feature attachments, this means you can continue to use the Attachment Viewer while disconnected from a network.

Updated: Map Viewer template
The Map Viewer is one of the most popular templates in AppStudio. It supports viewing web maps, identifying features, viewing attachments, and recently added support for feature attribute editing. With AppStudio 5.3, you can now view the elevation profile of a selected line feature. This elevation chart is interactive; just tap any point on the elevation chart to see elevation details and the corresponding location on the line feature. This feature is helpful for users exploring maps such as hiking trail elevations.

Upgraded ArcGIS Runtime to version 100.13
ArcGIS Runtime version 100.13 is now fully supported. This means you can use AppStudio to create native mapping applications, including many new features such as indoor positioning, vector tile layers in 3D, and toolkit components from the ArcGIS Runtime 100.13 update. The AppStudio Player app at 5.3 has also been updated to support running apps built with ArcGIS Runtime 100.13.
New Apple App Store submission requirements
Starting April 2022, all iOS and iPadOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with Xcode 13. To meet this new requirement, cloud Make now supports XCode 13 for iOS and macOS builds so you can continue successfully publishing the app to the Apple App Store.
AppFramework is the core of AppStudio. It has features and capabilities that are neither natively provided by the underlying Qt framework nor the ArcGIS Runtime but are necessary and commonly used for developing AppStudio apps. The highlights of AppFramework key features and enhancement in this release are as follows:
- On Android, the Positioning plug-in has been improved to display the permission dialog after the PositionSource is instantiated.
- Adaptive icon support has been improved to include support for Android 6 and 7.
- The AppFramework SQL plugin has been improved to handle arguments outside the 32-bit signed integer range.
- An improvement to AppFramework Platform plugin to return the correct battery level and charging source across different platforms.
New Samples
The 80+ live samples in the AppStudio Samples gallery are a resource that most AppStudio users cannot live without. The samples are available on AppStudio desktop to view and modify the source and in the AppStudio Player app, where you can run a live version of the sample on any supported device. In this release, we introduced two new samples.
The Split View sample demonstrates how to utilize the QML SplitView component to display dynamically resizable components. The new Time Extent With Slider sample demonstrates how to apply a specified time extent to visualize temporal data. We encourage you to download and try new samples in AppStudio Desktop or Player.

NOTE: A patch for AppStudio 5.3 was released on April 6th, 2022. Review this post for details about the patch.
Please review this blog post for ArcGIS AppStudio deprecation Information.
NOTE: Access to the Survey123 field app and Connect source code in ArcGIS AppStudio is now available only upon request. Complete this form if you would like access.
To see a complete list of new features and enhancements, visit the AppStudio 5.3.documentation for “What’s new in AppStudio”. To see a list of all the issues fixed with AppStudio 5.3 please refer to this post on the Esri Community.
Do you want to learn more about AppStudio? Watch the “ArcGIS AppStudio: An Introduction” session from the Esri UC 2021.
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