ArcGIS Online

Configurable Apps Announcement – Apps Scheduled to move to Mature Support Phase December 2018

In the upcoming December 2018 release of ArcGIS Online, five configurable app templates will move into the Mature phase of the Product Lifecycle  and will be removed from the default Configurable Apps Gallery.  See the table below for details and the recommended alternative to those moving to mature support.

Mature Support Recommended Alternative
Map Tools Map Styler
Simple Map Viewer Map Styler
Map Carousel Minimal Gallery; Story Map Series
Compare Analysis Compare (new in December 2018)
Compare Scenes Compare (new in December 2018)


To migrate to the recommended alternative App, find the map or group that your original app was built with and create a new app using the new configurable app.  See these help topics for more details on creating an app from a map or from a group.

Story Map Series is not a group based app but but creates a similar outcome to to show a collection of web maps.

Compare will support two maps, two scenes, or one of each.


What does the Mature Phase of a configurable application template mean?


Can I still create apps from these templates even after they are moved to the mature phase?


About the author

Product Engineer for ArcGIS Online and Configurable App Templates


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