ArcGIS Pro

Explore a many-to-many relationship class

This blog article is a follow-up to the Improve campsite data quality using a relationship class Learn ArcGIS lesson. In the one-hour lesson, a regional GIS specialist has been tasked with improving campsite data quality in Wyoming. The specialist addressed loss of data at the park level by creating joins and relates and enforced spatial data integrity by creating a one-to-many relationship class between campgrounds and campsites feature classes.

You are going to build upon the same datasets and scenarios used in the Learn lesson, but with a many-to-many relationship class to help maintain park data validity.

The manager asked the GIS specialist to include a list of outdoor activities specific for each facility type in Grand Teton National Park. This effort is meant to help tourists locate specific activities such as swimming, hiking, and boating in the park. To achieve this, you will act as the GIS specialist and create a many-to-many relationship class between the Facilities feature class and the Outdoor Activities stand-alone table.

Note: Completing the Learn lesson is not a requirement to successfully perform this workflow, but it is encouraged, as it will provide context and help you become more familiar with the data.

This workflow was tested using ArcGIS Pro 3.0. If you’re using a different version of ArcGIS Pro, you may encounter different functionality and results.

Review Grand Teton National Park data

1.Download the file. Then locate and open the Wyoming.aprx project file. This project contains the data you will use to complete the workflow.

2. The project opens with the Explore M:N Relationship Class map active, showing the study area, Grand Teton National Park.

Explore M:N Relationship Class map
Explore M:N Relationship Class map

3. In the Contents pane, locate the data you will use to create a relationship class, in the Facilities feature class and Outdoor Activities table.

Locate Facilites and Outdoor activites in Contents pane
Locate Facilites and Outdoor activites in Contents pane

4. Right-click the Facilities feature class to open the Attribute Table, then right-click the Outdoor Activities table to open and review it’s data and identify possible fields used to build associations.

Facilities attribute table
Facilities attribute table

The Facilities feature class contains eight point features with information about the facility type, description, and direction.

Outdoor activities table
Outdoor activities attribute table

Now that you made yourself more familiar with the attributes and fields, the next step is to create an association with the stand alone table using a relationship class.

Create a many-to-many relationship class

A many-to-many relationship class is used when an object from the origin table relates to multiple destination objects and when one destination object relates to multiple origin objects. In this example, a facility can host multiple activities and an activity can be performed in more than one facility.

Cardinality types
Cardinality types diagram

Compared with the other cardinality types where the origin primary key directly relates to the values from the destination foreign key, many-to-many relationships require the use of an intermediate table to map the associations between primary key values from the origin table and foreign key values from the destination table. Therefore, when you create a many-to-many relationship class, an intermediate table is automatically created.

Many-to-many cardinality
Many-to-many cardinality diagram

There are two geoprocessing tools you can use to create a relationship class. You can use the Create Relationship Class or the Table To Relationship Class geoprocessing tool.

Note: Take a few moments to review each geoprocessing tool and its parameters.

Create Relationship Class vs Table to Relationship Class geoprocessing tool
Create Relationship Class vs Table to Relationship Class geoprocessing tool

If the Create Relationship Class tool is used to create a many-to-many relationship class, the resultant intermediate table will only have the fields generated, as ArcGIS does not map the associations between origin and destination objects. Using this approach, you must manually populate the table.

When creating a many-to-many relationship class, the Table To Relationship Class tool is used; the intermediate table containing the attributes is a required parameter and will be added to the relationship class.

In this example, to save time, the intermediate table has already been created. You will use this table, together with the Table To Relationship Class tool to create a relationship class.

1. But first, in the Contents pane, under Standalone Tables, locate the Intermediate Table.

Intermediate table
Intermediate table in Contents pane

2. Right-click and click Open to review the fields and attributes. The Intermediate Table contains all the valid relationships between the Facilities and the Outdoor Activities, where the Facility ID field is the origin foreign key and the Activity ID field is the destination foreign key.

Intermediate table attributes
Intermediate table attribute table

3. On the ribbon, click the Analysis tab, and in the Geoprocessing group, click the Tools button.

Tools button on Analysis tab
Tools button on Analysis tab

4. On top of the Geoprocessing pane, in the Search bar, type table to relationship class.

5. From the list of results, choose Table To Relationship Class (Data Management Tools).

Geoprocessing tools list results
Geoprocessing tools list results

6. In the Table To Relationship Class geoprocessing tool, update the following parameters:

Table to Relationship Class geoprocessing tool
Table to Relationship Class geoprocessing tool

Note: Review Relationship class help for more information on each parameter.

7. Verify all parameter settings, then click Run.

Explore the related records and relationship class

1.In the Catalog pane, in the Databases folder, expand Wyoming Natural Assets. geodatabase and locate the FacilitieswithActivities relationship class.

Notice the (.geodatabase) extension. This indicates that you are working with a mobile geodatabase, which is an implementation of an open source public domain SQLite database. Because this SQLite geodatabase is a full-featured RDBMS, feature class names must include the primary database name to make them unique within the instance, thus the word “main” is appended to all feature class and table names.

Locate relationship class in Catalog pane
Locate the new relationship class in Catalog pane

2. Right-click the FacilitieswithActivities relationship class and click Properties.

3. Under the General tab, you can review the relationship class properties.

General tab in relationship class properties
General tab in relationship class properties

4. On the Rules tab, you can set up rules to enforce restrictive behavior to help maintain data integrity during editing and data entry.

Rules tab in relationship class properties
Rules tab in relationship class properties

5. The Manage tab allows you to enable all geodatabase functionalities for the intermediate table.

Manage tab in the relationship class properties
Manage tab in relationship class properties

Note: The Manage option is enabled only for attributed and many-to-many relationship classes.

6. If necessary, right-click the FacilitieswithActivities relationship class and click Add to Current Map.

This will add the relationship class table in the Contents pane under the Standalone Tables section.

7. Using the Select tool, select the Lizard Creek Campground feature on the map and open the Attributes pane.

8. Notice all the Outdoor Activities records related to this campground.

Note: If the related records are not being displayed in the Attributes pane, remove the origin feature class (the Facilities feature class) from the map and the readd it from the Catalog pane.

Lizard Campground with related activities
Lizard Campground with related activities

9. If you want to check all the facilities that have water access, turn on the selection for the Water Access activity.

Water access acitivity selection
Water access activity selection

10. Expand the Water Access selection and notice that Lizard Creek Campground and Signal Mountain Lodge Campground are the only two facilities with water access.

Facilities with water activities
Facilities with water activities

Manually populate the relationship class table

Create an amphitheater for the Colter Bay Visitor Center

You have been informed a new amphitheater was inaugurated in the Colter Bay Visitor Center. As this is a new activity for this visitor center, you will need to add it in the relationship table.

1.First, make sure you cleared all the previous selections. Then locate and select the Colter Bay Visitor Center

Hint: You can use the Select by Attributes tool.

2. Open the Outdoor Activities table and select the row with the Amphitheater

3. Open the Attributes pane and assess the two active selections. The Colter Bay Visitor Center is the origin feature, and the Amphitheater Outdoor activity is the destination.

Colter Bay Center with Amphitheater selection on
Colter Bay Center with Amphitheater selection on

4. Expand the Colter Bay Visitor Center selection and assess the current outdoor activities related to this feature. Currently, only camping, hiking, day use, and visitor center are allowed at this facility.

Existing outdoor activites for Colter Bay
Existing outdoor activites for Colter Bay

5. To add the Amphitheater, right-click the Outdoor Activities selection, the related feature item, and select the Add Selected To Relationship option.

Add Selected to Relationship option
Add Selected to Relationship option

6. The Amphitheater is added as a related object and the Colter Bay Visitor Center has five outdoor activities.

Colter Bay with five outdoor activities
Colter Bay with five outdoor activities

7. Make sure to save your edits using the Edit tab on the ribbon, then close the project.

In this workflow, you helped enforce referential data integrity between facilities and outdoor activities in Grand Teton National Park by creating a many-to-many relationship class and managing the related records.

Bonus section!

Now that you experienced the power of relationship classes, you might be curious what else can be done. If so, check out the short video below and see how related data works via services.


Photo by Jairph on Unsplash

About the author

Product Engineer on the Geodatabase team, passionate about making a difference in people's lives using GIS. Hiker and a true Éclair and Crêpe lover in her free time.

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