ArcGIS Solutions

What's New with ArcGIS for Defense - December 2016

During the December 2016 ArcGIS Solutions Release there were 3 new Solution Products added to ArcGIS, 3 Solution Products were updated and 23 had product lifecycle changes.

New Solution Products

Gridded Reference Graphic widget enables users to create grids for use in partitioning geographic areas of interest.

Grid Overlay widget helps users quickly render an MGRS grid in a web application.

Visibility widget helps users conduct a radial line of sight or set an angular viewshed.

Updated Solution Products

Distance and Direction add-in for ArcMap and widget for Web AppBuilder were updated to constrict distance labels to two decimal places, draw lines as arrows to indicate direction, and fixed a bug so that graphics properly save as feature classes and KML.

Military Overlay was updated to be compatible with MIL-STD-2525B Change 2.  There are now individual sets of maps, layouts, task items, geodatabases, and feature templates for 2525D and 2525B Change 2 symbol creation.  This template includes the Military Symbol Editor Add-In which has been updated so that you can set it to work with either 2525D or 2525B Change 2 standards.

Product Lifecycle Changes

The ArcGIS Predictive Analysis Tools are no longer available through the Solutions website.  They are now available directly through Esri’s Professional Services.  For additional information or to request the desktop add-in or the web enabled version of the Predictive Analysis tools contact the ArcGIS Predictive Analysis Team.

The following are now considered reference implementations, or digital white papers.  These projects demonstrate the capabilities of ArcGIS but are neither downloadable on our website or supported.  You can, however, access the open-source code to these projects in GitHub:

The following were moved to the Mature Lifecycle Phase:

About the author

ArcGIS Pro Intelligence Lead. Natalie Feuerstein has been with Esri since 2007. Natalie has spent more than eighteen years as an intelligence professional, working directly as an intelligence analyst or supporting the community through consultation and software development. Natalie enjoys solving hard problems in creative ways and believes location intelligence is imperative to intelligence-driven decisions. Her educational background is in Intelligence Studies.

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