ArcGIS Business Analyst

An easier way to connect to local ArcGIS Business Analyst datasets

The Business Analyst 2022 US Data Update is now available for local download from My Esri. A local download allows behind-the-firewall access to thousands of demographic variables, updated streets and geocoding content, POI locations, and more.

As part of the July ArcGIS Business Analyst Pro 3.0 release, an awesome new feature was added to allow for easier data management. This new option called the “connectable dataset” allows the following:

For specifics on how to configure this, check out my colleague Chris Melera’s Esri Community post.

We also have this quick video that walks through the process of connecting. Play the video below…

Some things to consider:

One more thing: check out my colleague Dan Stauning’s blog article that talks about 2022 U.S. data for Business Analyst Enterprise. He walks through a few important nuances for Enterprise users.

Happy downloading, and connecting!

The ArcGIS Business Analyst dev team

Photo credit: Russell

About the author

Kyle is a Principal Product Engineer with Esri - focusing on geospatial technologies and applied demographics. He is part of a global team responsible for building next generation ArcGIS Business Analyst applications.

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