ArcGIS CityEngine

CityEngine Urban Planning Example now available for download

It has been awhile since we released Esri CityEngine 2011 at the EUC in Madrid. In the last month we have been working hard on an ArcGIS – CityEngine urban planning example and we are happy to let you know it is available for download now in the gallery section on the CityEngine resource center.

This example highlights how CityEngine can be used to create and design 3D urban content based on GIS data input such as building footprints and street lines with attributes.

Starting point is a 3D geodatabase with:

The example comes with a set of rules that allow you:


You can download this CityEngine: Philadephia example in the gallery section on the CityEngine resource center.

For more information on how to:

go to the gallery section on the CityEngine resource center and have a look for the CityEngine to ArcGIS and 2Dto3D templates.



Esri R&D Center Zürich

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