Esri Demographics

What's New in Canada Demographics (September 2018)

New data for Canada! The 2018 demographic update from Environics Analytics incorporates the new 2016 Census data as its base. This is notable for a couple of reasons.

First… While most of the themes present in prior years are still available, some are no longer available and new themes are added. The following themes are no longer present for Census year: Single Year by Age and Sex; Households by Living Arrangement; and Religion. (Note that the Religion data is still available for current year.) The following themes are new for Census year: Condo Status; Mobility 5-year Status.

Second, the 2018 Canada demographics will be released in two phases. In the first phase in September 2018, the GeoEnrichment Service, Business Analyst, Community Analyst, Maps for Office, etc… will be updated with:

In the second phase (Q4 2018), the GeoEnrichment Service, Business Analyst, Community Analyst, Maps for Office, etc… will be updated with:

The premium Canada demographic maps in the Living Atlas will be updated with the 2018 data in Q4 2018.

You can view a complete list of the Canada data variables and the release in which they are included. For more information about the methodology behind this data, you can access Release Notes, Technical Documents, and other resources on the Canada documentation page.

About the author

Lucy Guerra has over 20 years of experience as a product manager, working with organizations to understand their business challenges and shaping products to address those challenges. She focuses on enhancing the user experience with quality data, and leads a team focused on bringing to market, and driving awareness of, Esri's data and location services.

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