Esri Redistricting

Esri Redistricting - An Introduction

Redistricting plans must comply with provisions of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 for covered jurisdictions and specific state laws regarding the creation of legislative, congressional, and other elective districts.

Esri Redistricting assists state and local governments in drawing legislative and congressional redistricting plans using Census data, including plans for data from the upcoming 2020 census. In addition, advocacy groups and the general public can use the online Redistricting solution to evaluate proposed plans, provide input to decision‐makers, and collaborate with others to develop alternative plans for consideration. You can rapidly and effectively create, edit, publish, review, and collaborate on redistricting plans that comply with federal law through a robust, easy-to-use web-based application.

Esri Redistricting addresses common needs and challenges related to redistricting at the state and local level within the U.S. The foundation of this product is Esri’s proven ArcGIS platform and pertinent data set components. Powered by the ArcGIS platform, Esri Redistricting provides comprehensive features and functionality for plan management, visualization, editing and community collaboration.

Esri Redistricting
Esri Redistricting

It can be used to develop district boundaries that are substantially equal in population based on race, existing communities, voting age population, and other data variables collected by the U.S. Census Bureau and local jurisdictions. It provides users with access to the 2010 and 2020 (when available) Census data required for redistricting, and allows for plan creation and editing, plan management, district reporting, district integrity checks, plan publishing and sharing, and other useful tools to support the redistricting process.


Esri Redistricting provides a high value, cost effective alternative for many organizations.  The following are key differentiators and tangible benefits of using this product:

Esri Redistricting supports multiple deployment models:  Software‐as‐a‐Service (SaaS) through ArcGIS Marketplace, On‐premises, or hosted in the cloud using Esri Managed Cloud Services.

For more information, contact Esri at

Content contributed by Shree Rajagopalan.

About the author

Elizabeth is a senior technical consultant on the DC Federal Delivery team. She has been with Esri since 2007 and enjoys helping users succeed with ArcGIS and exploring around our nation's capital.

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