ArcGIS GeoEvent Server

What’s new in ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server allows organizations to ingest, visualize, analyze, and act on data from sensors and asset tracks. Whether you’re tracking moving assets, monitoring stationary sensors, or following social media feeds, you can tap into, analyze, and display real-time and the Internet of Things (IoT) data on your maps.

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0 includes several general updates, improved usability and performance, and stability enhancements throughout the product. Below is a quick overview of some highlights in the 11.0 release.

General updates:

Connectors :

Spatiotemporal data store:

Now, let’s take a deeper dive into each of these exciting new enhancements!

General updates

An important update at the 11.0 release is around upgrading from a previous version to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server 11.0. Essentially, your existing GeoEvent Server configurations are not automatically upgraded like in previous releases. For example, if you’re upgrading from GeoEvent Server 10.9.1 to 11.0, you will have to manually export the configuration prior to upgrading. Once upgraded, you can import the configuration and your elements, settings, and more will be available to you. To learn more about backing up and restoring a GeoEvent Server configuration, see Backup and restore your GeoEvent Server site configuration.

With this release, several performance and usability enhancements significantly improve performance when discovering and working with feature services in your ArcGIS Server, ArcGIS Enterprise, and ArcGIS Online registered data stores.

In addition, GeoEvent Manager saw improvements to its performance and overall load times, allowing you to access GeoEvent Manager more quickly to work with your inputs, outputs, GeoEvent Services, data stores, and more.

Another nice enhancement is that you can now leverage authorized service layers shared from other users in your organization. This allows you to use these layers, assuming your server connection holds authentication credentials, to access shared content items via their service URL.

And lastly, a new user experience provides more flexibility and control when working with your GeoEvent Server configuration including a readable, file-based configuration store that allows for network installation.


With this release, the Kafka input connectors, including the Subscribe to a Kafka Topic for GeoJSONSubscribe to a Kafka Topic for JSON, and the Subscribe to a Kafka Topic for Text, now support connecting to Kafka clusters that are secured with SASL/SCRAM. This extends the authentication options available for connecting to your secured Kafka clusters.

In addition, the Generic JSON and GeoJSON inbound adapters better handle null lists, arrays of strings as multi-cardinal values, and arrays of strings.

Spatiotemporal data store

At this release, the spatiotemporal data store page in GeoEvent Manager has been enhanced to make discovering and loading your data sources and services much faster.

And more…

For a complete list of enhancements with more details, check out the What’s new topic in the documentation. For a list of issues that were fixed at 11.0, see the 11.0 Issues Addressed List. And, if you have ideas/enhancements/feature requests, post them on the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Ideas board in the Esri Community.

About the author

Greg is a Principal Product Engineer on the Real-Time Visualization and Analytics team at Esri. He supports community engagement for on-premises, cloud, and hosted solutions.

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