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ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin Quartz Tech Preview is now available!

We are excited to announce the Quartz Tech Preview of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin!  This SDK enables .NET developers to build immersive, native mapping applications for Android and iOS devices using C#.  It includes three APIs: Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS for apps that need access to native functionality, and Xamarin.Forms to create shared UI layouts across Android and iOS.  All are built on the same ArcGIS Runtime .NET API so they share a common design which encourages sharing code across application platforms.

Here is what you can expect to do in the Quartz Tech Preview of ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Xamarin:

The Tech Preview is open to the public.  To learn how to get started, go to the ArcGIS for Developers web site and join the Tech Preview. 


About the author

Rex Hansen is a Product Manager for the ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps and ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines. He has over 25 years of experience in GIS, spatial analytics, and computer mapping. Currently, he guides the development of native technologies in the GIS industry to use authoritative geospatial content and analysis in offline workflows, photorealistic experiences, and immersive, extended reality solutions.


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