Field Operations

Navigator for ArcGIS is available on Android in beta!

We are excited to announce the release of Navigator for ArcGIS on Android in beta. This is the first Android release, and it supports optimizing multi-stop routes. Join the beta program to see how the app can benefit your organization.

Optimize multi-stop routes

With this release, Navigator can automatically order stops so that routes are optimized for the shortest or quickest paths. Navigator will do this regardless Navigator on Android now features multi-stop route optimization.of the order a field worker enters or receives stops. This saves you time and money by ensuring that workers always receive the most efficient routes.

Join the beta program

To learn more about this release, join the beta program for Navigator on Android here. You can see how Navigator can increase the efficiency and reliability of your workforce, while providing feedback to the Navigator Team about how we can improve the app.

Look out for Navigator 2.0

The 2.0 release of Navigator on iOS is coming soon. It will support navigating on custom maps with your organization’s assets, road networks, or map displays. We will also be publishing tutorials in Navigator’s help system about how to create these maps in ArcGIS Pro 1.2 or later. Look out for another post in the ArcGIS Blog announcing the release, or check out Navigator’s home page for the latest information about the app.

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