ArcGIS Instant Apps

Introducing Atlas

Updated for the June 2024 release of ArcGIS Online

The Atlas app template empowers organizations to highlight a collection of curated maps and layers based on a point of interest, a geographic location, or a specific event. Users can easily discover, explore, and interact with the content by searching locations, switching between 2D and 3D views, measuring distance and area, and zooming to spatial bookmarks. Include the option for users to sign into their ArcGIS Online account and save maps they have created.

Image of Atlas Instant Apps template.

Create an Atlas app  

Choose a group to leverage the capabilities of group item categories or choose maps and layers to feature individually. App authors can choose a default basemap for the app or select a custom basemap gallery for their audience. Set a map view and navigation boundary to  Atlas includes theming tools available in all Instant Apps templates, allowing authors to customize visual style of their app.

Use Atlas to explore maps and layers

Atlas allows users to open maps and add, explore, and remove layers shared to the chosen group in the map view. Click the share icon from the Open map dialog box to generate a link that will load the app with the selected map open. Users can also choose a different reference layer from the basemap gallery.

Image of Open maps panel in Atlas
Image of Add layers panel in Atlas

Layers added to the map view are listed in the Map layers panel where users can adjust layer transparency or turn on swipe for one layer to view what’s underneath the layer or compare it to other layers. The Map layers panel includes options to display available data as a table, view the layer’s item description, or remove the layer from the map view.

Image of Map layers in Atlas

App authors can choose to include the option to toggle between 2D and 3D views of the map. Users can switch to 3D view to see layers added to the map view overlaid on a 3D surface. Daylight and weather visualization tools are automatically included when in 3D view.

Image of a measurement in Atlas 3D view

Atlas allows users to mark locations on the map with the option to add a point, line, or polygon sketch using a predefined set of symbol options in 2D view. Users can also measure distances, areas, and create elevation profiles in both 2D and 3D views.

Image of sketch tools in Atlas
Image of elevation profile in Atlas

Users can export a copy of the map view by generating a PDF document or capturing a screenshot image of the map.

Sign in and save maps

App authors can choose to include the option for users to sign into their ArcGIS Online account within the app. Once users are signed in, they have the option to add their own bookmarks and save their map. The saved map can be opened in Map Viewer, used to create an app, and shared publicly or within their organization.

Image of save map in Atlas

What’s New in June 2024 Release

At the June release of ArcGIS Online, Atlas includes the option to enable Interactive Legend, allowing app users to filter data based on symbology in the legend.

Image of an Atlas Instant App showing a map with an Interactive Legend

Additionally, app authors can choose to enable and configure Create options, which allows users to open the map in Atlas in another app, including Map Viewer, ArcGIS StoryMaps, Instant Apps, Dashboards, and Experience Builder. Users can use an existing map or create their own map in Atlas.

Image of an Atlas app showing the Create options

For more information on these new features, please see What’s New in Atlas on Esri Community.


We appreciate your feedback so we can continue improving Instant Apps templates. Share your feedback on the ArcGIS Instant Apps Ideas page, explore the Atlas sample app in ArcGIS Online, Atlas examples in our Instant Apps gallery, or create your own app.

About the author

Krista is a Product Engineer on ArcGIS Instant Apps team.

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