
Introducing the Multidimension Supplemental tools

The Multidimension Supplemental toolbox Version 1.1 is a collection of nine tools that extend the functionality of the core tools of the Multidimension toolbox.  These tools can be used as-is or you can modify them to handle specific use cases.  The following sections describe what each of these sample tools do.

Data access tools

Describe Multidimensional Dataset
This tool accesses a local or remote (via the OPeNDAP protocol) multidimensional file and reports the names and attributes of the variables contained in the file.  Global information about the file origin and processing history are also reported, if available.  This tool is the ArcGIS geoprocessing equivalent of the popular netCDF command line tool ncdump.

Layer creation tools

The core geoprocessing tools Make NetCDF Feature Layer, Make NetCDF Raster Layer, and Make NetCDF Table View were designed to provide you with the maximum flexibility for reading a broad range of netCDF formatted files.  However, providing this level of flexibility meant that the tools had to have many parameters.  These new tools are designed to provide a simpler way to access netCDF files that contain well-known geometries, such as station and trajectory data.

Data analysis tools

New to version 1.1 of the toolbox are tools for statistical operations on multidimensional data.

Downloading and installing
The Multidimension Supplemental Toolbox is available for download here:

Once you’ve downloaded the file to your machine, extract the contents of the zip file.  Then, in Catalog, navigate to the location you extracted the files to. You should see installation instructions and the Python toolbox containing the Supplemental tools.
(Note that the samples are geared for ArcGIS version 10.2 and beyond.)

About the author

Kevin Butler is a Product Engineer on Esri’s Analysis and Geoprocessing Team working as a liaison to the science community. He holds a Ph.D. in Geography from Kent State University. Over the past decade he has worked on strategic projects, partnering with customers and other members of the science community to assist in the development of large ecological information products such as the ecological land units, ecological marine units and ecological coastal units. His research interests include a thematic focus on spatial statistical analytical workflows, a methodological focus on spatial clustering techniques and a geographic focus on Puerto Rico and midwestern cities.

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