Imagery & Remote Sensing

What’s New in the Image Analyst Extension (ArcGIS Pro 2.4)

Take advantage of new imagery and remote sensing capabilities in the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension for ArcGIS Pro 2.4 to improve your image visualization, exploitation, and analysis workflows.
ArcGIS Image Analyst now features expanded deep learning capabilities, enhanced motion video capabilities, support for multidimensional data, a new Pixel Editor, and more.
Learn about just some of the imagery and remote sensing-related features added in this release.



We continue to expand our Deep Learning toolset to provide you with robust analysis capabilities, so you can do more with remotely sensed data. Key features introduced in this release include:

– Data augmentation methods (Rotate & Shift)
– Enhanced metadata formats (Labeled Tiles) for writing out image chips
– The option to accept a collection of images as input (Folder)
– The ability to accept input masks to limit the area to process

Damage assessment using deep learning
Damage assessment using deep learning

Raster Functions and Geoprocessing

The list of raster functions accessible in ArcGIS Pro is extended in 2.4 with additional indices and distance and hydro functions, enabling analysts to design and run targeted workflows for distance modeling and hydrological modeling.

Several new global raster functions are available, and enhancements have been made to many others:

• The Focal Statistics function has been enhanced to support parameters similar to those available with GP tools.
• Most raster functions are enhanced to support analysis of multidimensional datasets.
• New geoprocessing tools were added to process multidimensional data:
– Tool to aggregate multidimensional raster data along a dimension.
– Tool to Compute the anomaly for each slice in a multidimensional raster to generate a multidimensional dataset



Motion Imagery

We continue to improve and enhance our motion video support, so you can manage and interactively use video with embedded geospatial metadata. Key features in this release include:

Motion Imagery in ArcGIS
Motion Imagery in ArcGIS

Multidimensional Raster Management, Processing and Analysis (New to ArcGIS Pro 2.4)

Work with multidimensional datasets using a new set of tools and capabilities that have been added in this release. These tools allow you to aggregate your data over time and calculate anomalies across multiple variables and dimensions. Key features include:

– Generate multidimensional metadata and make a mosaic dataset multidimensional aware
– Restructure and optimize the multidimensional data structure, making cross-dimensional analysis more efficient

– Aggregate multidimensional dataset variables along a dimension (can be time)
Calculate anomalies for each slice in a multidimensional raster

– All local raster functions (more than 100 functions)
– Classify, Clip, Contour, Extract Band, Mask, Reproject, Resample, Unit Conversion, Vector Field, and Weighted Sum

– Extended raster object capabilities
– A new set of functions in the ArcGIS Image Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst Python modules

Analyzing multidimensional data
Analyzing multidimensional data


Pixel Editor (New to ArcGIS Pro 2.4)

You have been asking for the ability to edit pixels. We have listened! The Pixel Editor provides a suite of tools to interactively manipulate pixel values of raster and imagery data. Use the toolset for redaction, noise removal, or to reclassify categorical data. You can edit an individual pixel or a group of pixels at once. Apply editing operations to pixels in elevation datasets and multispectral imagery.

Key features of the Pixel Editor include:

Interactively manipulate pixel values with the pixel editor
Interactively manipulate pixel values with the pixel editor


Additional resources

 Learn more about the ArcGIS Image Analyst extension for ArcGIS Pro and how to get it – click here

See what’s new in ArcGIS Pro 2.4

Learn how to use ArcGIS Image Analyst, including hands-on tutorials

Check out help documentation for ArcGIS Image Analyst


About the author

Principal Product manager on the Imagery team at Esri, with a zeal for remote sensing, AI and everything imagery.


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