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Prepare for Election Web App Season with these Best Practices

Election Web Apps are in demand. They help the public understand where to vote, report/predict results and tell the story of this unprecedented election. As the Election Web App season is about to launch into high gear, be aware that  your web apps may get more traffic than anticipated. Consider these best practices to prepare your data and web maps to perform at their finest for your audience. Who knows when your Election Web App may go viral!

Pick the most appropriate Layer Type for your data and workflow


Tip: Host your service in ArcGIS Online and let ArcGIS Online scale to meet the demand of your application.

Configure your hosted Feature Service to be optimized for high demand by ensuring the following requirements are met.

If you are using the JavaScript API to make a custom Election Web Application, set the feature layer to use Mode_Auto. This will allow your app to take advantage of hosted feature services optimized for high demand.

We look forward to seeing all of the great Election Web Applications that will be made in the coming week. Feel free to leave questions or links to your apps in the comments below.

Happy Election mapping!

About the author

Kelly was a product manager on the ArcGIS Online team. She enjoys blogging, web mapping, and outdoor adventures.

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