ArcGIS Survey123

Introducing Custom Themes in Survey123 Web Designer

[Original source: Survey123 Geonet Blog]

While you may be familiar with the use of the Survey123 mobile app to support field workflows, in this occasion we are going to touch on web surveys.  That is, on smart forms meant to be used right from within a web browser. Survey123 Web Designer is often being used to create web surveys for crowdsourcing, citizen-science and citizen engagement. For these high visibility, public surveys, it is critical to deliver a great user experience and  visual appeal. Using Custom Themes in Survey123 Web Designer, you can now tightly control many visual aspects of your Web Forms. This includes everything from defining the look of your survey header, the style of its background, the alignment, color and size of text used in questions, the placement of logos, etc.  Custom Themes is what you need to truly reflect in your surveys the feel and brand identity of your organization or project.

Before we start, I want to emphasize that in good survey design, the looks are just half of the story. Carefully crafting the questions to be included in a survey, their order, wording, grouping and the best fit for the available question types, is the other half. Trying to detail all of this at once would make a very lengthy post, so this time I will focus strictly on the visual aspects of surveys: the looks.

Below you have a few examples illustrating different techniques to make your surveys shine: Custom banners, backgrounds, in-line photos and a few other tricks.

In this blog post, I will describe a handful of techniques to give your surveys a unique touch, making them look more professional. While some of the features I am about to describe will be honored by the Survey123 field app, I will mostly focus on the design of Web Forms.

Basic Layout Elements: Header, Description and Footer

The basic elements around questions in your survey are the Header, Description and Footer. Right from the Appearance tab, you can choose to show, or hide them. For example, the Description element is typically made out of text or a combination of text and images describing the purpose of your survey. If you feel like the title shown in your header is descriptive enough, you can choose to hide the Description element all together but it is good practice to provide a succinct description for context.

By simply clicking on the Header, Description and Footer in the design preview, their properties will be made editable in the right panel of Web Designer.

Survey Header

The header typically holds the title of your survey, but it is also a great location to display an organization logo.  You can choose a Text Header, for which you can control its background color and text alignment, or an Image Header.

If you choose an Image Header, your image will be adjusted so it fits the entire width of the survey, which will not be larger than 680 pixels. For this reason, as a general rule, your header images do not need to be wider than 680 pixels. The height will be set so your image aspect ratio is preserved. It is best to go with a wide image to avoid taking too much vertical space.  The header is taking the top most part of the display, so with such prime real estate on your screen, you do not need a big, tall header to make a point.

Survey Description

The Survey Description element, in Survey123 jargon, is a Note question type. Just like with the Survey Header, you can easily hide the Survey Description element from the Appearance tab.  To set the content of the Description, simply click on the element in the preview, and all the settings will appear in the right panel.

Note that the contents of the Description element accept rich text, so you can add entire paragraphs controlling the font color, size, text alignment, images, links, etc. This makes the Description very flexible, allowing you to provide context about the survey itself.

To support recovery effort after hurricane Michael, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida State Emergency Response Team, published a public survey to help citizens report the location of debris.  Note how they used the Survey Header to include a simple form title, and then leveraged the Survey Description element to place their organization logos as well as a brief note about the purpose of the survey. The Survey Description element also included links referencing the organizations website and other relevant documents.

The Survey Description element is particularly critical for public web surveys where you cannot assume that people know what your survey is all about. A bit of context, is always good!


Right below the Description element is where questions in your form will appear.  I will describe later how you can use Themes to control visual aspects of your questions, but for now, let’s jump into the footer.

Survey Footer

The Survey Footer obviously sits at the very bottom of the survey. This is a good place to link back to your organization’s website or solicit feedback. Similar to the Header and Description, you can choose to hide or show the footer from the Appearance tab, and you can edit its properties (text and URL link) by simply clicking on the Footer in the preview.  Look carefully at the animation to see how you can bring the window to edit Footer properties.

The URL for your footer does not need to necessarily be a URL to a website. You can also include a mailto link. For example, if your URL is set to , you can help survey takers send you feedback to your email account.

Survey Themes

Survey Themes help you easily define the color scheme of the most relevant visual aspects of your survey. A gallery of basic themes is included with Survey123.  Most themes are based on a primary color applied to the background page of the survey. Different shades of that color are then applied to the header, background of the form and submit button.  The Theme also defines the color assigned to the text in your form, so it contrasts over the background. A second group of default themes uses a background image as the driver for all the visual components in the form.  You can use the themes included as they are. We added a good set of them and you can switch and see how they play out with your own surveys very quickly.

You can also use the included Survey Themes as a starting point to your own design.  That is, you can select a basic theme and then edit it.  The editable properties of a Theme are split as follows:

Content Background: The content background sits right underneath your survey questions and should not be confused with the page background, which I will describe later. The purpose of the Content Background is to ensure that all questions in your survey are legible. You will want a nice contrast between your questions and the content background: A light background goes with dark question text and inputs, and vice versa. In the vast majority of cases, you will want to use a solid color for your Content Background.

If you want to get creative, you can experiment with images for the Content Background as well, but you need to be careful not to overload it with colors, which would only create distractions. When it comes to images for the Background Content, it is best to use lightly textured images.  Below are a couple of examples using images to create a notebook and wrinkled paper feel.

When using content background images, you will want to play with the different Image Fit strategies available (Repeat, Repeat Vertically, Fit and Center).

For both color and image custom content backgrounds, you can adjust the opacity level, which can give you interesting effects when working in combination with the page background.

Content Text Color: This setting refers to the color used for labels in your questions.  As described above, the color choice for the text depends on the background color.  You will always want to look for good contrast to make your questions more legible.  The content text color is not necessarily applied to hints and notes, as those can override the font colors as specified in the Design view.

Input Background Color: This refers to all the space used to input data. Think of the color of text input boxes for example, but also the background for choices in lists, signature pad, etc.

Input Text Color: This applies to all response text.

As mentioned above, you can use the opacity setting in the Content Background to create interesting visual effects against the Page Background. The next screenshot shows a medium opacity level applied to the Content Background, to create a subtle translucent effect.

The Web Page Background is only shown by the Survey123 Web App. The Survey123 Field App ignores the background because the from content is always expanded to take advantage of all the real estate of your device.

Thank You Screen

The Thank You Screen can be optionally presented in Web Forms right after a survey is submitted.  This is the perfect place for you to thank the survey respondent for taking the time to complete the form, acknowledge the work of your project sponsors or highlight your own organization.

You can include formatted text, links and even custom images within the Thank You Note. I like to give some love to the Thank You Screen in my surveys, particularly when they are public, because they give it a nice touch.

If you look carefully at the bottom of the Thank You Screen dialog, you can optionally enable users to take submit data again with your survey, right after submitting. This option simply adds a link in the Thank You Screen that will quickly take you back to the survey.

Miscellaneous tips and other things to keep in mind

About the author

Ismael Chivite joined Esri in 2002. A geographer by training, he loves helping people leverage GIS to improve the way they work. As a Senior Product Manager, Ismael is always looking for ideas to create new and improve existing Esri products. Outside working hours: Legos, rock climbing, Romanesque architecture and jamon iberico. On occasion, he enjoys jamon during working hours too.


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