Plenary Session

October 2023

Palm Springs, California

Blue 3D model city, showing buildings of various heights and shapes, solar panels, wind turbines, communications towers, and a satellite
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Special guests

An inspiring cast of special guests from the global GIS community will be welcomed to the stage to share how they are using a geographic approach in their work. You can expect to see the following:

  • FirstEnergy Corp.
  • Irvine Ranch Water District
  • Vermont Gas Systems, Inc.
  • NBCUniversal
  • Tampa International Airport
  • Powerco
  • Dawood Engineering Inc.
  • Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District

Technology demonstrations

Some of the products and capabilities you’ll experience in the Plenary Session include the following:

  • ArcGIS Pro
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • ArcGIS Reality
  • ArcGIS Workflow Manager
  • Field and mobile
  • Imagery management
  • Spatial analytics
  • 3D
  • Real-time
  • Indoor GIS
  • Apps

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