Key cancellation dates
The last day to make or update reservations is February 16, 2024. Review the Frequently Asked Questions section of this page for additional information on hotel cancellations.
The period to book a discounted hotel reservation through Esri has passed. Please reach out to local hotels directly to book a room at their standard rate if you need accommodations during the conference.
No, you must first register for the conference. Your registration confirmation email will contain a link that gives you access to the participating hotels with discounted room rate information.
Event attendees may modify or cancel their existing hotel reservation by using a link provided in their confirmation email.
Self-parking is available at a daily rate of $8 per vehicle. The convention center has two parking lots. One is located to the east of the facility on north Avenida Caballeros (Caballeros Lot), and a second is located southwest of the facility on east Andreas Road (Andreas Lot).
Esri does not provide transportation to or from our partner hotels in Palm Springs to the Palm Springs Convention Center. We suggest you check with your hotel directly to see if it offers shuttle service.