Redlands Forum

Educational and cultural programs for the community to learn and engage with the important topics of our time. Founded in 2009.

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Esri Chief Scientist Dr. Dawn Wright wearing a pink blouse, and background designs of orange circles and semi circles.

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Solving Crime with Forensic Science

Blaine Kern, Founder & Chief Forensic Scientist, Human Identification Technologies

February 25, 2025 | 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.

In 2004, after retiring from a California Sheriff’s Crime Laboratory, Blaine Kern founded Human Identification Technologies, the first ASCLD/LAB International-accredited forensic DNA testing laboratory in California.

Mr. Kern has testified and provided forensic trial consultation services to the U.S. Military, as well as federal, state, and local jurisdictions throughout the United States and internationally on over 500 occasions. He is qualified as an expert witness in DNA analysis and other forensic disciplines, including firearms analysis, trace analysis, controlled substance (drug) analysis, crime scene reconstruction, bloodstain pattern analysis, and latent print processing.

With 30 years of experience, Mr. Kern approaches each case with a holistic perspective, ensuring forensic evidence is thoroughly examined. He is frequently recognized for his professionalism, focus, and candor.

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A DNA strand
Portrait of Blaine Kern

Coming in March

The AI Revolution is here: Opportunities, Challenges, Threats—and How to Prepare for Them

Johannes Moenius, Professor of Global Business and Director of the Institute for Spatial Economic Analysis

March 12, 2025 | 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.

AI has been praised as a source of unlimited opportunity and wealth. It has also been villainized to hold the destructive power to collapse societies. Which one is right? Or is it both?

Join University of Redlands economist Dr. Johannes Moenius as he unpacks these pressing questions. Drawing on decades of research into institutions, technology platforms, and the impact of automation on the workforce, he explores the essential facets of emerging technologies that will shape our future. He will discuss the opportunities AI will create, the challenges it will pose, and the profound ways it will transform our socio-economic system. Using these insights, he offers guidance on how individuals, businesses, and society can prepare for the new era that has already begun.

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A digital illustration of circular AI sending out information
Portrait of Dr. Johannes Moenius

Explore the past events and speakers

We've had an incredible program this year and are thrilled to bring you even more engaging events in the new year.

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Being in the Esri auditorium is to experience the world on a Redlands stage.

Margie Gifford, Attendee

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