Vibrant multicolor background made of interwoven diagonal lines with overlays depicting detailed hill shade maps and illuminated areas of interest

Plenary Session Special Guests

July 15, 2024

Enjoy presentations from organizations around the world.

Miami-Dade County, Florida

No Wrong Door

Explore how GIS is enabling the Mayor’s “No Wrong Door” initiative and uniting government services for a diverse community and culture. GIS is not just a map, but how citizens and staff discover and access critical government services and resources every day.

Miami freeway lined by palm trees with the downtown skyline visible against a vibrant orange sky at sunset

The Crown Estate, United Kingdom

An Act of Balance

Creating lasting and shared prosperity for the nation requires an evidence-based “whole of seabed” approach for marine spatial planning that spans the waters of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Discover how The Crown Estate uses digital technology to identify and optimise how resources are managed while building trust in the ultimate challenge–balancing net zero delivery and nature recovery whilst creating a thriving marine economy.

A coastal network of water ways spread across a lush landscape with a brilliant sun rising on the horizon

Central San, California

Staying Ahead of the Flow

With its mission to protect public health and the environment, Central San provides wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal services; recycled water production and distribution; and household hazardous waste collection to nearly half a million residents and more than 15,000 businesses in Contra Costa County. Central San was one of the first wastewater treatment agencies to implement the ArcGIS Utility Network for wastewater asset management. Discover how their small GIS team is making a significant impact in optimizing the everyday work of the organization, helping Central San to be an innovative leader for environmental stewardship and ensuring long-term sustainability.

Aerial view of Central San’s water treatment facility

The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI), Kuwait

A Geospatial Authority Capturing Reality and Empowering Kuwait

Discover how PACI became a geospatial authority for the government, people and businesses of Kuwait. Follow their journey with Kuwait Finder, GeoAI and Reality Mapping; producing authoritative data, apps and services that enable more than four million people and a thriving economy.

Kuwait’s vibrant and colorful urban center illuminated by city lights at dusk

Marriott International

Where Can We Take You?

Creating life’s unforgettable moments requires special attention to take care of associates, so they can take care of guests. Explore how Marriott leverages a growing geographic atlas approach to mitigate security risks and adapt to severe weather and climate change for over 9,000 properties and empower a global hospitality team.

Interior of an immaculate Marriott hotel staircase and main social area

Urban Redevelopment Authority and National Parks Board of Singapore

Planning and Operating a City in Nature

The Urban Redevelopment Authority and National Parks Board of Singapore are working together to make urban spaces greener and more sustainable, to provide a quality living environment for everyone. Explore innovative enterprise-focused business systems in planning and landscape management that are automating workflows and improving operational efficiencies across the country.

Lush foliage surrounds a pool of water and fountains in Singapore with a massive Ferris wheel visible in the distance

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