Below are few items listed which we can do analysis on Trees as per data available.
- Tree Condition
- Tree Type
- Trees by Species
- Trees by Neighborhood
- Tree Size
The Tree Inventory analysis provides the following value addition to Urban planners:
- The overall condition of the inventoried tree population
- Species occupying the large percentage of the street
- ROW that threatens biodiversity
- Diameter size class distribution of the inventoried tree population trended towards the ideal, with a greater number of young trees
- Trees provide annual environmental benefits including but not limited to:
oEnergy Savings
oStorm water Interception
oNet Carbon Sequestration
oAir Pollutant Removal
oAesthetic Value
By developing a Dashboard for the Trees inventory urban and environmental planners or Engineers can able to view and assess the trees on the map for a specified neighborhood or the urban area.
The App is customizable to implement across various industries such as Energy & Utilities, Forestry, Environment, Local Governments, Urban Planning, Community Development, Transportation and Public Safety etc.
The App is developed in a responsive mode and suits for almost all devices and compatible with all browsers. The technology used to develop this app is ArcGIS Dashboard while input datasets are from the available data over the internet.For any assistance Contact Us
Business needs
- Asset Tracking and Analysis
- Economic Development
- Facility Management
- Market and Customer Analysis
- Real-Time Location Tracking
- Electric and Gas Utilities
- Public Safety
- State and Local Government
- Water
- Petroleum and Pipeline
- Mobile
- Web
System Requirements
Listed Date
Jun 23, 2020
Contact Information
iSpatialTechttp://www.ispatialtec.com/Email+1 (858) 5229799