The LRS Bulk Editing Toolset provides a single interface to identify and correct events along the LRS to include:
- End Gap Extension - Identifies gaps in business data at the beginning and end of routes and optionally corrects them. Only gaps within a user specified tolerance are detected.
- Interior Gap Correction - Identifies and logs gaps in business data in routes’ interior geometry. Optionally, it fills the gaps according to the selected user option.
- Event Comparison - Compares two event tables and optionally snaps end points from one to the other within a user-specified tolerance.
- Near Zero Negative Measure Correction - Identifies beginning measures in both routes and events that are very small negative numbers.
- Route Dominance Inconsistencies Check - Identify and log inconsistencies in the structure of concurrent routes and find event data registered to subordinate routes.
- Duplicate Events Check - Identify events with identical locations and optionally removing them.
- Conflate Events Tool - Transfer data from a point event to a linear event based on LRS location.
- Fill Data Gaps - Fill null numeric values in events based on adjacent events.
- Configuration Interface - Users can now access data from the current ArcMap document (.mxd) and save configuration information about each layer and table.
Business needs
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- Transportation
- National Government
- State and Local Government
Works with
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System Requirements
- A functioning LRS
- Roads and Highways (R&H) environment
Listed Date
Apr 21, 2020
Contact Information
Timmons Grouphttps://www.timmons.com/gisEmail804-200-6500