Cities and municipalities have seen a paradigm shift where they are required to slowly required to embrace to more inclusive, geospatial based mapping technologies to accommodate provision of instant, accurate information in their preferred format and time of their choosing compared to more traditional town hall based in-person citizen engagement.
ViewPro has developed GeoComment to solve the citizen engagement challenge with local government. GeoComment allows the City staff, citizens and stakeholders of governance projects to interact digitally and offer meaningful inputs into the decision-making processes at all stages of project development.
In order to obtain GeoZone license, please send an email to support@viewprogis.com.

Business needs
- Economic Development
- Market and Customer Analysis
- Situational Awareness
- Site Analysis and Territory Planning
- Performance Monitoring
- Architecture, Engineering, and Construction
- National Government
- Public Safety
- State and Local Government
- Transportation
- Mobile
- Web
System Requirements
Use of ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Pro (any version) to prepare the baseline data.
Listed Date
Dec 8, 2020
Contact Information
ViewPro GIShttps://www.viewprogis.com/Email281-888-0697