Turkey Neighborhood Boundaries Polygons and Demography + Marketing
Updated September 2023
All neighborhood and villages polygons in UAVT (Turkish National Adress Database) with UAVT codes
Turkey Postal Codes
Latest Demographic Statistics: Population, Age, Marital S., Education
House Number, Office Number, Family Number, Population Density
Latest Income per Person per Month and Expenditure
Income Groups (A+, A, B, C, D) Population
Spending rates in 14 group.
Development category in City,
Ddevelopment categor in the Country,
Banking Number of ATM and Branches
Turkey Neighbourhood borders
Turkey Neighbourhood boundries

Business needs
- Field Service Management
- Retail
- Real Estate
- Transportation
- Banking
- State and Local Government
- Desktop
- On-premises
- Mobile
- Web
System Requirements
It's consist of 51.330 detailed polygons.
Any Esri products is enough to use it.
Any Esri products is enough to use it.
2023 - B
Listed Date
Mar 24, 2021
Contact Information
Adres Haritahttp://www.adresharita.com/anasayfa_en/Email+905468483883