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Esri Redistricting Pricing

Esri Redistricting Pricing

Esri Redistricting brings clarity to your redistricting process. Create, edit, manage, and share regulations-compliant redistricting plans while collaborating with stakeholders. View our pricing and add Esri Redistricting to your existing ArcGIS Online subscription. Or talk to an Esri representative for additional support.

Frequently asked questions

In ArcGIS Online, Esri Redistricting can be accessed through the app launcher or directly through this link, once an administrator (or another user that manages licenses) has provisioned an Esri Redistricting license to your account.

Esri Redistricting comes with PL 94-171 data for 2000 and 2010. Data from the 2020 Census will become available as soon as it is released in 2021.

Plans can be created using US geography at several levels--state, county, census tract, census block group, census block, as well as census-designated cities and towns. The app also includes Voting District (VTD) as source geography for redistricting.

Once a plan is complete, you can publish it as a feature layer in the Share tab and utilize that layer in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online web maps and apps. Additionally, plans can be published as map packages or KML or exported as a shapefile.

Esri Redistricting is a more robust, powerful redistricting solution for governments, advocates, and citizens. It provides features and reporting capabilities that are designed for the redistricting workflow and hosted in a web environment. The free Districting for ArcMap extension is for desktop users working independently with more simple districting scenarios that are based on smaller geographies and less intensive data.

For those looking to use custom geographies, data, or reports or utilize Esri Redistricting within their organization, Esri Professional Services can deploy Esri Redistricting, which can be hosted in your on-premises environment or Esri's secure Managed Cloud Services environment. Learn more.

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Requires foundational user type

What does "requires foundational user type" mean?

User types provide a flexible way for people to license the capabilities and apps they need to do their work in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

Every subscription requires at least one foundational user type to activate and administer ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Creator and GIS Professional are foundational user types.

All dependent user types (Viewer, Editor, and Mobile Worker) must be purchased with at least one foundational user type or added to an existing organization. Dependent user types rely on a foundational user type to activate and administer ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.

Add a foundational user type

Creator: Purchasing the Creator user type helps users get started with ArcGIS Online. Create maps, perform spatial analyses, and share results with stakeholders in a variety of ready-to-use apps.

GIS Professional: The GIS Professional user type includes ArcGIS Pro, the world's leading GIS software, and full access to ArcGIS Online. 

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