Esri Globe

At NBCUniversal, GIS powers large-scale facilities management | The emergence of GeoAI in planning

Artificial intelligence in GIS: Promise, progress, and possibilities
ArcNews: In GIS, AI assistants offer a compelling opportunity to democratize what is already a powerful technology.  Read more.

In this Issue

At NBCUniversal, GIS powers large-scale facilities management
Esri Blog: NBCUniversal uses GIS to efficiently manage theme park assets, track maintenance, and to plan for future improvements. Read more.

The emergence of GeoAI in planning
Esri Industry Blogs: The integration of GIS and artificial intelligence (GeoAI) is rapidly transforming urban and community planning. Read more.

Drones for holistic humanitarian aid
Esri Blog: Flying Labs spans 41 countries globally, with local teams that use drones to help with everything from mapping to disaster recovery efforts.  Read more.

3D GIS helps MAF deliver aid to isolated communities
ArcNews: In 2022, Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) rolled out an enterprise-wide GIS, revitalizing the way its flight missions are planned and executed. Read more.

A global map of the ocean floor could buoy the economy
Marketplace: Mapping the ocean floor will provides benefits that will more than pay for the cost. Read more.

Tampa mapped its most dangerous roads to reduce deadly incidents
GovLoop: Using GIS, planners at the City of Tampa, Florida, collected and analyzed local crash data and incident reports to identify and assess the city’s most dangerous roads. Read more.

The US grid has a four-pronged dilemma
UtilityDive: Esri’s Bill Meehan calls the dilemma a "Grid Quadremma" and explains how better network modeling with GIS can prepare the grid for increased demands and more renewable energy sources. Read more.

New hub looks to prevent misinformation in Waterford elections
Silicon Republic: Esri Ireland said this interactive online hub will let Waterford voters easily learn about candidates, how to vote and find their allocated polling station. Read more.

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