Sunny Fleming

Sunny Fleming is the Director of Environment, Conservation, and Natural Resources Solutions at Esri. With a background in plant ecology and botany, she has applied location intelligence throughout her career; from monitoring rare species in the field to helping state parks manage recreational assets across their systems. Through collaboration with users, partners, and colleagues, she fosters a community of environmental professionals who use GIS to solve some of our world's most pressing challenges.

Posts by this author
Park Perspective Series: Unveiling the Dynamic Role of Parks in Our Communities with GIS

Explore the role of GIS within parks and how Chattanooga is using this technology to become America's first "National Park City."

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The Power of GeoAI Accelerates Action on this Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day and how GeoAI helps to accelerate environmental and conservation actions.

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Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act: GIS Resolutions for 2024 and Beyond!

In this new year, following the 50th anniversary of a revolutionary environmental law, we present the resolutions you will actually want to keep!

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Delineating the Future of Wetlands: How states and local governments use GIS to support wetland related workflows

State and local governments play a prominent role in protecting their communities' wetlands and can use GIS tools to help.

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Finding a Pathway to Federal Funding

Tennessee state agencies leverage federal funds to develop a statewide recreation database.

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Equity Across Environment and Conservation

In honor of Earth Day the Esri environment and conservation team discusses how GIS technology can help enhance equity within the industry.

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On This Earth Day, GIS Is More Relevant Than Ever

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The 2023 New Year’s Resolution Checklist for the Environmental GIS Professional

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Esri Small Nonprofit Grant Initiative Levels the Playing Field for Environmental Organizations

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