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2020 GIS in EU Virtual Summit

This virtual summit replaced the annual in-person event with a morning filled with interesting discussions and presentations. For a detailed agenda, speaker bios, and abstracts, please visit this StoryMap.

From 09:00 to 12:00 CET, representatives from several EU institutions and Esri discussed the following topics:

  • European Green Deal: "Knowledge for the Transition to a Sustainable Europe," Chris Steenmans, Head of Programme, European Environment Agency
  • Europe Fit for the Digital Age: "GIS Application to Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures," Pascal Savouret, Executive Director, European Fisheries Control Agency
  • European Way of Life: "New Technologies in Home Affairs Policies," Pawel Busiakiewicz, Head of Unit F.2: Situational Awareness, Resilience and Data Management, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (European Commission)
  • European Coronavirus Response: "European Coronavirus Response with Tracking, Tracing and Social Distancing," Andrea Ammon, Director, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Users and Esri representatives presented projects related to the following topics:

  • Esri for Environment and Biodiversity: David Gadsden, Esri, Applied Geographer
  • AI and Data Strategy: Guenter Doerffel, Esri, Technology Evangelist, Imagery and Raster Analytics; and Jill Saligoe-Simmel, Esri, Product Manager, SDI and INSPIRE
  • Responding to a Europe in Crisis: Tony Wilby, Esri, Director, European National Government Team
  • GIS Supporting Coronavirus Response: Este Geraghty, Esri, CMO and Director, Health Solutions; and Dominik Tarolli, Esri, Director, Smart Cities

For more information please contact Massimiliano Mazzer,

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