We have quite a large network and require a lot of personnel to get things done in the field. ArcGIS helps make sure that things are done effectively.
case study
Real-Time Data Reduces Electric System Downtime by 33 Percent
Ikeja Electric is Nigeria's largest electric power distribution network. The utility serves over 900,000 customers across approximately 400 square miles near the coast of western Africa. Its system represents a capacity of over 4,000 megawatts on 2,100 miles of primarily overhead feeders.
Ikeja Electric struggled with prolonged service interruptions and timely customer service. Cumbersome records of asset locations and inconsistent system awareness contributed to an unsatisfactory operating picture. Furthermore, delayed fault reporting hindered prompt service and outage restoration.
Operating reports and spreadsheets were frequently out-of-date and difficult to process efficiently. Consequently, managers often had to respond to fault reports the following day. Field crews also lacked current infrastructure maps, creating serious safety concerns.
The utility needed a simple workflow to better manage operations, provide readily accessible information to mobile workers, and track activities in the field.

Electric & Gas
Ikeja Electric is Nigeria's largest electric power distribution network.
Cumbersome records of asset locations, inconsistent system awareness, and delayed fault reporting contributed to an unsatisfactory operating picture.
Sensor data on dashboards is now readily available to aid routine operating decisions.
Customers saw an immediate improvement in service delivery, with a 33 percent reduction in downtime.
To meet these challenges, Ikeja Electric created a geographic network monitoring system (GNMS) configuration on top of its network system of record in ArcGIS. GNMS leverages Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and automated vehicle locations (AVL) to indicate the status of the Ikeja Electric distribution grid and employees.
Smart meters and other remote terminal unit (RTU) devices provide timely data for the system. Real-time feeder voltage and transformer loads, temperatures, oil levels, and other data are now readily available to aid routine operating decisions. This data is aggregated using ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to update feature layers. Information is also summarized for a clear presentation on ArcGIS Dashboards in near real time.

Ikeja Electric now uses dashboards to pinpoint live conditions on its grid. When problems occur, they are easily prioritized by the number of affected customers. These insights support more rapid fault restoration, efficient load management, and even load shedding programs when necessary.
Managers are immediately alerted to system issues and readily identify the field crews that are best able to respond. As a result, Ikeja Electric reduced its average system downtime by 33 percent. Managers receive specific alarms, with locations, when transformers are off rather than waiting for field crew evaluations. Field crews work more safely with timely network information.
Ikeja Electric customers saw an immediate improvement in service delivery. The real-time sensing and monitoring also enabled and a three-hour decrease in the typical turnaround time for restoration.