While we plan our actions, our focus is always on the data. In our municipality, we work more efficiently with the power of geographic data; it is our greatest advantage while serving all citizens according to their needs, on time.
Case study
Decision Support System during COVID-19 for Beylikdüzü Municipality
Beylikdüzü Municipality
During the COVID-19 crisis, the municipality's responsibilities, such as keeping track of daily and current data, grew.
At the GIS Department, employees consider GIS technology as their biggest advantage in deciding how to help citizens efficiently, relying on streamlined statistical data.
Since its launch, the decision support system responded to more than 25,700 requests by a growing number of registered citizens.
One of Istanbul’s rapidly growing municipalities is Beylikdüzü, consisting of 10 neighborhoods with a population of 352,412 as of 2019. The main purpose of the municipality's GIS Department, which has been using Esri's GIS solutions for several years, is to develop applications for special projects and presentations, as well as to generate reports for senior management.
During the COVID-19 crisis, the municipality's responsibilities, such as keeping track of daily and current data, grew. Due to the virus's rapid transmission and potentially fatal effect, quick decision-making and implementation of solutions are vital. Accordingly, Beylikdüzü Municipality needs to carry out citizen-oriented studies, provide additional services to high-risk citizens, and ensure that all citizens in need of guidance can quickly access the information they are looking for.
At the GIS Department, employees consider GIS technology as their biggest advantage in deciding how to help citizens efficiently, relying on streamlined statistical data. For this purpose, a GIS-oriented decision support system was developed.
Thanks to this system, the municipality is empowered to survey field teams effectively and to manage the mitigation process in real time. With the implementation of the Population Distribution Map of Age 65+, the Situation Analysis Application, and the Food Retail Application in the Solidarity Network Project, Beylikdüzü Municipality can now rely on a complete solution.

Since its launch, the decision support system responded to more than 25,700 requests by a growing number of registered citizens. More than 8,500 vulnerable adults aged 65 and over were provided with individualized assistance. Regarding the user experience, a survey showed that 75 percent of the assistance and support provided were satisfactory.